February 2019 Newsletter



To Restore, Inspire, and Empower the family unit through coaching, mentorship, and education;
Improving lives and strengthening communities. 

Welcome to the G3CS monthly newsletter.  We are excited to have an opportunity to let you know all we have going on this month!

2019 is underway, and we are starting with a bang at G3CS.  Our EYM programs have expanded into a number of new schools.  February will see separate boy and girl student groups at Rocky Run Elementary.  We have partnered with Hampton Oaks and Kate Waller Barrett Elementary schools to begin in March.  We are currently discussing the expansion of EYM into county middle schools as well.  Our Sunday EYM in January had a fantastic turnout.  We are very excited to offer such a wonderful workshop to children of all ages and schools and their parents.  Be sure to join us this month at the Stafford Hospital to see what’s in store.  G3CS’ Project Destiny and Dare to Dream programs have been officially launched.  Keep up with us to hear more about those programs serving our nations veterans and our communities budding entrepreneurs.  We have a full calendar in the month of February, and we are just getting started.  Please feel free to contact us at and let us know how you’d like to be involved.  Also, check out our new website!  The link is at the bottom.  As we celebrate our nation’s Presidents and Black History Month in February, we want to encourage you with inspiring words from the 44th President of the United States of America:

“Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.”

– President Barack Obama

A Message from GCubed Founder & CEO Vernon Green Jr.
Black History Month

Before I begin, I do not consider myself to be a scholar or anyone of importance. I simply try to do what I can, when I can. I have made many mistakes, bad decisions, and done stupid things.

But if you will allow me, I would like to share a few thoughts. As we recognize Black History Month, I am torn. There is no way that I cannot appreciate the progress that has been made as I sit as the CEO of a multi-million dollar organization. There has been great progress as I stand on the shoulders of so many that have come before me, great progress indeed. However, a steady and firm reality check reminds me that we have not arrived at a true place of equality.

I am torn because I served this nation for over 20 years in the Army believing in the principles for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Yet I question, is there liberty and justice for all? I believe that there are great people in this nation of all races, genders, and ethnicities. While abilities are abundantly shared among all, opportunities are not. Should I be pacified by the progress or irritated by the lack of true equality?

Honestly, I fall somewhere in the middle. I believe over-generalization is always counterproductive. There is racism on both sides. I have struggled to maintain the peace within collaborative teams because of differences along racial lines. In many of these situations, I see that it comes down to lack of experience with diverse people rather than true racist intentions. The truth is that our backgrounds may be different, we may lack the experience and familiarity of other cultures. Until we genuinely try to understand one another, the issues will continue.

I communicate to my teams that we should operate under the understanding that, at least on this team, we all mean well. There will be friction and differences but it never comes from a place of hate. In all things seek understanding. Perspectives will always be different as they are a culmination of each person’s experiences. You will have those who say “by any means necessary.” You will have those who feel the best option is to become part of the system. There is a difficult relationship between the system and all people. When subsets of the system feel that the system does not represent or protect them, they look elsewhere for relief. They may even use that inequality to justify their decisions. Again, understanding is key.

It is hard for someone who has never experienced this feeling of exclusion or neglect to understand the mindset that the excluded and neglected perceive. And still, I will not allow the excluded and neglected to use that as an excuse for not doing the right thing. You cannot cure hate with hate. At GCubed Enterprises, Inc and G3 Community Services, we believe TOGETHER, we can do more! While Dave Chappelle is a hilarious comedian and I have never considered him to be a moral compass, he recently said something that stood out to me.

“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe, say or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”

Our politics and our leaders have transitioned from compromise to mud slinging and from governing to poor leadership.

Today, I challenge every individual to “Think Different”: to seek understanding and to show compassion, to dream. Not because its Black History Month. Do it because it will further your relationships with your fellow man. Do it because it will foster your understanding of the great people that comprise this nation. Do it because we have the capacity to be the great nation we long to be!

Dream like Martin. Imagine like John. Innovate like Steve. Create like Albert.


Vernon Green Jr.

Program Spotlight

This month we are highlighting another one of our G3CS programs; Dare to Dream

One of the foundational beliefs of G3 Community Services is that inspiration, restoration, and empowerment all go hand in hand.  This is best modeled by our Dare to Dream program.  Dare to Dream is a mentoring program for aspiring small business owners and entrepreneurs in our community.  Our goal is to give back to those around us by sharing the experience of successful local business owners, CEO’s and entrepreneurs.  Participants are provided personalized guidance and access to the day to day operations and inner-workings of thriving small businesses in Stafford.

Dare to Dream Spotlight: Johnnie Walker

“The reason why I would choose this program is it [afforded] me the opportunity to operate in a relatively safe space to go out and build my business to level that it really needs to be.”

Johnnie Walker is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army. He is set to retire in April of 2019, and he is currently in the process of starting his own business intelligence, data and database analysis company.  As a participant in the Dare to Dream program, Johnnie has had the opportunity to experience first hand the operations and processes of a successful SBA Certified 8a Small Business Minority Owned Service Disabled Veteran Owned business in the IT and physical security scope.  Dare to Dream affords participants mentorship and guidance from community business owners, and Johnny is well on his way to adding himself to the list of small business owners in Stafford County.

What’s Coming Up?

Feb. 6th – EYM @ GES/RHES

Feb. 7th – EYM @CES

Feb 8th – EYM @ HES

Feb. 12th – EYM@RRES

Feb. 13th – EYM @GES/RHES

Feb. 15th – EYM @ HES


FEBRUARY 18th – President’s Day                (No School)

Feb. 19th – EYM @RRES

Feb. 20th – EYM @ RRES,                            EYM @GES/RHES

Feb 21st – EYM@CES

FEBRUARY 23rd – The Bridge Program Meeting

FEb. 26th – EYM@RRES

Feb. 27th – EYM @HES                                EYM @ GES/RHES

Feb .28th – EYM@CES

Please Join Us:

We are always looking for committed quality volunteer mentors to join our team!  Join us in making a difference in our community!

For more information on volunteer opportunities and any of our programs        Contact us below at …


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